Meeting between the Alpine troops of Bergamo and Brescia

SARNICO - PARATICO - 23 September 2023 in Eventi

On Saturday, September, 23rd from 9:30 am, the Meeting between the Alpine troops – Sections of Bergamo, Brescia, Salò and Valle Camonica, organized by the National Alpine Association, will take place between Sarnico and Paratico.


 9.30 am: S. Mass at the church of S. Paolo
 10.15 am: opening of the photographic exhibition at the S. Filippo Neri oratory
 10.30 am: Conference: “Military chaplains, history”
  12.30 pm: Alpine rations
 3.00 pm: Meeting on the Sarnico/Paratico bridge of Alpine walkers who left from Bergamo and Brescia

– 3.30 pm: Gathering in the Town Hall square
– 4 pm: Raising the flag
Honors to the Fallen at the Paratico monument
Allocutions from the Brescian authorities
Beginning of the show

– Honors to the fallen at the monument of Sarnico
– Allocutions from the Bergamo authorities
– Lower the flag

gemellaggio alpini.pdf