
Book "Il Liberty a Sarnico"


  1. Art Nouveau
  2. Giuseppe Sommaruga
  3. The Liberty Garden
  4. Alessandro Mazzucotelli and wrought iron
  5. Villa Pietro Faccanoni, now Passeri (1907)
  6. Villa Giuseppe Faccanoni (1907)
  7. The Faccanoni Mausoleum (1907)
  8. “Antonio Faccanoni” Kindergarden (1910-1912)
  9. Villa Luigi Faccanoni, then Bortolotti, now Surre (1912)
  10. People
  11. Guide to research
  12. Bibliography
  13. Chronological picture



This book was born from the passion and affection for Sarnico and for his beauty. It is born from the desire to maintain and witness images and memories that risk being gradually lost.

This book is a contribution to the literature on Italian Liberty that makes available as much unpublished material, information never before collected in a single and homogeneous corpus.

This book was born, in the first place, thanks to those who allowed the places and the works described in the book to have survived us:

The mourning Lilli and Medy Faccanoni, to whom we owe most of the historical photographs, first-hand information and many testimonies that, also for reasons of space, we could not include in the book.

The Passeri Family, to whom we owe the preservation of the villa and its interiors, the memory and the important descriptive notes reported in chapter 6.

The Tamoil Society, and in particular Dr. Silvano Biato, to whom we owe the rebirth of the Villa Surre and an important help to the project of this book.

The Bortolotti family, and in particular Mrs Ester, former president of the asylum, for the preservation of the asylum itself and for the part the family had in the past of the Mausoleum and the Villa Surre.

Thanks to the Pro Loco of Sarnico, editor of the book, for the enthusiasm and passion put in the enhancement of the Liberty heritage of Sarnico.

Thanks finally to the Municipal Administration of Sarnico and the Library Council, for their contribution and for having believed in the project.

Graphic design by Giuseppe Faccanoni; Photographs by Foto San Marco, Villongo.
Aerial and internal photographs of Villa Giuseppe Faccanoni by La Libellula, Predore.